Sunday, September 20, 2009

The train may be late

I always love looking at this railroad crossing.

It reminds me that one of the great things about Sciacca is that it is off the beaten path. There is no autostrade to Sciacca, nor is there a train (now). It keeps easy travelling tourists at a bit of a distance, and that is fine with me.

I also can not help but thinking of Waiting for Godot when I see it, with two characters standing at this crossing, having their conversation, waiting for Godot, waiting for a train, is it the same? Does it matter?

It is easy to find old, unused train stations around, some still having the signage. But to find a crossing, where there are neither rails nor a cross street, somehow that is special to me.

So this is indeed one of my favorite places. If you want to see it, it is right where it has always been.


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