Friday, August 07, 2009

The Boys of SUMMER

I can always tell when Spring is almost over, and it is time for summer. That also means that it is time for the boys of summer to show up next door. Usually they are a harmless crew. They play some soccer on the soccer pitch, they borrow tools to fix their motos, they sit on the front terrace playing cards. Despite the noise of the motos, they are generally pretty quiet and respectful.

Well, one time they got out of hand. Wouldn't you know they had girls over (to cook for them no less), and braggadocio got the better hand of them, and there was a bit of damage inside the apartment. It was very quiet here for a while after that.

But they are basically good kids, and they treat me with good humor and respect, at least to my face, and I could not want more. I promised them I would put there picture up, so here it is.


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