Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Get used to these two faces. They are itinerant salesmen, who go to markets six days a week to sell their wares, and then go to beaches in the summer in the afternoon and on their 'day of rest' to try to sell some more and make a living. And they are legal. Fran and I got to know them, because they always seemed to have some interesting things to sell, not the usual market stuff like underwear, shoes, and towels of poor quality. They had neat purses, knock off purses, wallets, belts, and stuff too numerous to mention. We got to know the guy sitting down pretty well, and I visit him at Menfi market more Saturdays than not.

We talk about Islam, and he has gotten me to start reading the Qu Ran. He has also invited me to go home with him in October, and to be present at his wedding. It will be a four day trip by truck and ferry, and then I will fly back. He and his father will show me around. It seems an opportunity not to be missed. Thank you Kamel.


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