Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dopo Carnivale

It seems that all good things end, and then it is up to the clean up crew and mother nature to take its course with whatever is left over. That certainly applies to parties. And Carnivale was certainly a party in Sciacca, with over 100,000 people visiting our fair city, drinking untold amounts of wine, singing and dancing in the streets until the morning was no longer young, and trying to make sure that there would not be an oversupply of delicious Sciacatano Salsice at the end of everything.

As families headed out to the country for carnivalone, a extra holiday to let everyone get a breather after 28 hour days during carnivale, the floats were also taken out to the country, where eventually they will return to dust, and their frames will be resurrected to make fun of whatever foibles we humans get into during the coming year.

Without further adieu, here are some photos of the carnivale graveyards.


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