Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Thanksgiving Pilgramage VI - Boston again

Time to go back to Boston, regroup, and head home with the kids in tow. I was near the end of my rope, getting homesick, and wondering why in the world I had decided to visit the north east US during a time when I might meet some cold weather and snow. At least Boston was known for more temperate conditions, so I would not have to worry that much. Also, this time, and again to save a little money, I had a direct flight to Boston on Jet Blue. I do not mean to do a commercial for an air carrier, but I had more leg room on this flight than any other time on this trip, it was on time, clean, comfortable, professional. Bravo to Jet Blue.

Anyway, I got to Boston to find that they had used their temperate weather to collect two feet of snow while I had been gone. Of course, that was not enough to really make things awful, so it kept on falling.
I had forgotten how beautiful fresh snow looked on the branches of trees. I had forgotten how could it could be taking pictures of beautiful fresh snow on the branches of trees. I had forgotten how slippery new fallen snow underfoot could be while I took pictures of beautiful fresh snow on the branches of trees. I had forgotten that when beautiful fresh snow is on the branches of trees, you can bet it is also on the street and on driveways, and there might be enough to shovel in the cold and slippery world.

Well, my memory was soon jogged by the beautiful fresh fallen snow. But it was at least bareable. And yes, the residents only parking sign means what it says. Both Jon and Walter got reminders of that on their windshields when they came over to join Jess and I for dinner.

However, the point of the visit, at least for me, was my nephew Jake's return from Tanzania, where he had been studying for a semester abroad from Earlham. (Both Jake and Rachael go to Earlham, both are doing well there, and both were at dinner with us that evening) He had been able to visit Irlanga, where they are building housing for a widow and her family, and dedicating the house to Fran's memory. He was able to take some pictures, including of the marble sign that will be on the house. I was moved by Jake's determination to get to that far corner of Tanzania and bring back the pictures. He will be forwarding them to me soon, and I will put them up on this blog later.

Meanwhile, Jess and I did have to dig her car out, and drive to Albany to pick up Dustin. Then we all sort of got ourselves organized, and got to the airport as the New England Patriots tried to finish out their regular season in an undefeated fashion. I am happy to report that they did so. Bravo.

I need also to mention that my brother has self published a CD of his banjo and singing, called Idle Play, and he performs under the name Izzy Sane. If you can not find it on your record store shelves, perhaps you could try ordering it from

All in all a good pilgrimage to the homeland. I was able to collect five baggage inspection cards from fatherland security, saw some wonderful people and ate some wonderful food, was reminded about how much I have come to dislike cold and snow, and somehow was reminded that America can be a land of promise, and that we must all work together somehow to make sure that the promise of America is kept.


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