Sunday, November 11, 2007

Security Advisory

Recently, when I was visiting friends in Nicolosi, who work at the Naval Air Station at Sigonella, they took me on base to look around, and one of the things they had to do was to talk with the travel agent. I of course went with them.

I was shocked to see the new security advisory that was posted on the bulletin board.
I immediately asked my friends if we could visit the large, all purpose department store that they have on base, even though I am not supposed to be allowed to go into the store, much less buy anything. However, with plans to go to America twice, Israel once, and Germany once, and with the tickets all bought and payed for, I figured that I better get a pair of force protection briefs.

I knew that simply buying a metal cup would not do the trick, as I would never be able to get through the security to get on the plane. I must admit, I was also a bit worried about allowing someone else to arrange my briefs once I put them on.

To my disappointment, the department store only had jockey shorts, boxers, and a few other styles of briefs , and none of them were labeled force protection. When I asked about special force protection briefs, people just gave me a strange look.

I will do my best to try to sneak off island with just regular underwear, and do the Sicilian thing, which is to ignore new rules that require force protection briefs.


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