Sunday, August 29, 2004


As the late afternoons get a bit quieter, the days get a little shorter and the temperatures remain not quite so hot. Summer as we know it is coming to an end. The little boys next door go on vacation next week to a northern Italy theme park (people think nothing of taking a vacation from vacation!), and our upstairs and side neighbors leave on the 1st. Thank goodness!! We will surely miss them, but we crave some delicious quiet in cooler nights, and a break from all the activity surrounding us.
We had fog the other morning and it was quite lovely. Living on the sea, you would expect it more, but this is only the second time in two years that I remember it. Our British/Scotch friends, Brian and Christine, bought an apartment in Caltabellota and we went up there for a visit with them. And Steve has gone out with Paolo to his farm again and picked MORE figs, and I just do not know what to do with them, although several of you have offered some terrific ideas. Here are a few pictures of them drying in the hot sun. Anyone want me to bring them back some in Nov?
The other night we were invited over to the neighbors next door (other Giusy) and had a Sicilian meal. It was indescribably, deliciously good. These ladies all know how to cook. Giusy and Lily’s 70 year old mom had just returned from staying for a month in Sardegna with a brother. This woman does NOT look 70! The picture of the three generations “discussing” how to cut up the watermelon was priceless. It reminded me of how we passed around the panettone cake when we had it 2 Easters ago with Woody, Jane, and Susan. Anyway, at midnight more people began to arrive and we celebrated Mariangela’s 19th birthday. We had a good time with the young people (“ragazzi”) and since Francisco knows English, he tried to help me with my Italian verbs. We chatted with Federica’s boyfriend Vincenzo, who is a rock musician with a CD out! The 2 Giusys got silly and started dancing.
This lovely Sunday AM, everyone was out at the beach chatting away, knowing it would be the last time for a long while they would all be together. Good bye, good bye, come again, but not too soon!


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