Saturday, August 07, 2004


Thats what the program entertainment for last night at the party area in the resort (“cavea,” literally, cave) called for. And I had my misgivings because I had just cooked up a bunch of Chinese stir fry. But what the hey, why not? Isn’t Chinese food becoming quite an American classic? So we headed with our neighbors from both sides toward the festivities. This time they seemed to start close to on time (9:30 PM). I figured we would eat at 10 or 11 if we were doing things the normal way, but apparently there was some sanity prevailing that made someone think to feed little kids before 11 PM.
Of course there was plenty of pasta, there were rice dishes, sandwiches, baked eggplant and polenta, fried dough and fried cheese, potato salad and potato and cheese dumplings formed into rod shapes (my neighbor Giusy says the name of the dish translates into “little dicks.” I told her she does alright in knowing the essential English words!). There was not a lot of meat, but since a lot of Italian cooking uses only small amounts of meat, why would there be? My stir fry had a bit of chicken in it, the sandwiches had some ham, and the fussilli arrabiata had some chunks of pork. Of course there was soda, water, and wine.
After everyone ate their fill, I was pleased to see that my dish had been emptied! We think that people just wanted to taste what the Americans brought, but it was gratifying because I did see some people throw a lot of their contents in their dishes away. The people here are generally sweet and gracious and put up for our lack of language skills and our lack of enthusiasm for continual group activities like the nightly dancing.
Then the watermelons came out. Wow, can those people eat watermelon!! Then the dolces, the sweets from the pastry shop. After that, the dancing started. We were too pooped to participate, but the disco beat never was my favorite anyway. We hear it throbbing through the walls every night, and many times I stop to count the nights till September when this whole place is ours again, when we have it all to ourselves.
There are all kinds of things taking place at the cavea. Our neighbor Giusy next door (as opposed to Giusy upstairs) told me that she was preparing a kids’ play for the 10th, and would we please come. It so reminded me of rounding up the kids at the cabin for their plays. I told her we would love to. Right now Steve is watching the first round of the tennis tournament, rooting for Franco upstairs. At 8:30 tonight there will be a kids’ mass at the cavea with a local priest coming by so that all of these Catholics don’t have to miss their churches too much while they are vacationing for 2 months. And Monday starts the bocce tournament! Stay tuned….


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