Saturday, April 02, 2005


The federal cops, the Carabinieri confiscated Steve's NYS license and his international drivers permit, fined him 143 euro, and told him he could not drive till he had an Italian license. We figured we had friends in high places, etc, so we could fight it and get the licenses back. Paolo promised to talk to his buddy and we knew that Giuseppe at the Questura's office could help. Plus there was the US embassy-they could probably help. So we spent a sleepless night and figured Friday we could take care of it all.
Well, I should have known not to hope in what people say, for as usual, it is just a lot of hot air. Yesterday we found out that by law we should have gotten lItalian licenses a year after we moved here, and that we should have been told by the Questura's office (immigration), and that our friend there probably did not know that because the local cops did not know that. Paolo called his friend in the Carabinieri and he said Steve would be allowed to come to the office and make a copy of the NYState license, but that was all. And the US embassy office is only open from 3-5 weekdays, the only time Steve got any sleep Friday, so that will have to wait till Monday (neither of us have slept much because of the anger and frustration).
So, no quick fix. Steve is now going through a driving school and as such, has gone twice, and is as frustrated at times as I have ever seen him. Stupid people teaching stupid stuff, you know? I think the worst for him is the fact that we do not have the opportunity to go anywhere that we did before, like exploring the countryside in the spring. I can drive us over to Menfi on the backroads or for pizza, but it is a matter of time before I would have my license taken away too. So all of this is frustrating our normal style of life, and we are just trying to cope.
Yesterday I drove into town and waited while Steve went to school. I ran into my friend Anna the cop next door in the summer and unloaded on her while we had a cafe in a bar. She is younger than me, two young kids, and she listened sympathertically, but put it all into perspective for me. It will all eventually sort itself out, and no big deal. There are so many worst things in life!
So Paolo's buddy's son Michele is our new driver or "autista." He is a slug that does nothing, so we pay him to drive us from place to place daily, but he is available only in the AM. Since Steve usually does the shopping and errands and mail pick up and will change driving school to mornings, it works out ok for me. He and Steve are out now trying to find tomatoes for me to put into the planters. I am sure you will hear more about him later!


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