Friday, December 17, 2004


We came home to two beautiful days of weather in which we got our laundry dried and settled down to the rest of the winter weather. Here that means wind, rain, and temperatures from the 50’s to the 70’s. And we got it all in one day! Between yesterday and today, there was a huge amount of rain, and the sky and sea changed color every minute. But at least we were away from those pesky sirocco winds that blew for a whole week at the beginning of the month.
The sea gets pretty murky with the sand and earth that gets washed into it, and the problems with rockslides and mud are universal. We walked over to inspect Paolo’s wall, and saw that the section that he did not reinforce is now cracking and coming down. And three “road dogs” came out to bark at us as we tried to move the boulder that fell from a hillside out of the middle of the road. The weather has gone back and forth all day and we have only managed to sight one partial rainbow. The lighting does get pretty dramatic at times, though.
But-it’s not snow and ice! Enjoy your weather today and appreciate that it is all kind of nasty wherever you spend your winter.


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