Saturday, May 01, 2004


Happy Labor Day! That is May Day in Europe, and it seems to be a family get together day just as it is in the states. The apartments are packed and the noise bothersome, cars arriving and leaving, kids yelling, etc. Oh well, we signed on for this knowing it was a vacation place for a few months of the year.
We had our final house closing Thursday, and it was almost no big deal, just reading the deed (a surprising amount of which I understood) and everyone signing their names a few times. Oh, yeah, and writing the checks (the seller thinks he will not get caught for his taxes if we pay him in smaller amounts). Now this place belongs to us! So of course today, the neighbor woman told me her wall is ruined from water damage and we need to get a plumber to fix the leak on our second toilet. Welcome to the land of happy landowners. Well, it was fun renting while it lasted.
At least our problems are nothing compared to Paolo’s. The road below his house has a containing wall that looks like it is ready to fall over onto the road. The police have closed the road, though everyone drives around the barriers, and he has seemed not to worry about it, but it is pretty dramatic. I walked over to take some pictures today, and I was amazed at how much worse it was getting. What will they do about it? Probably wait till the road is impassable and then put up bigger signs. That is Sicilian logic for ya.
I thought the recent Sirocco winds would help dry things out for him, as a day and a half of hot wind blowing dries things out pretty well. The winds cleaned the beach sea weed off but in its place, left a huge number of small stones strewn about, like someone had unloaded a truckload of gravel.


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