Monday, March 15, 2004


We were in Rome for a day before we went on to Mexico. We shopped for books and CDs and watched a strike taking shape and blocking all the traffic. The Baths of Diocletian were closed because of it. Later, since we had both read Angels and Demons, we went to the church of Sta Maria Vittoria to see Bernini’s Saint Teresa. Yeah, she sure looks like she is being ravaged by that angel! There were other tourists there too who were trying to get a look at that statue. Then on to the coliseum and forum area and all of the different statues and buildings in between. The last time we were here, the path through the area was closed for renovation. It was wonderful to see all of the different layers of history that are displayed there. On to the Piazza Navonna to see Bernini’s Four Waters sculpture also from Angels and Demons (last picture, 1st row). Yeah, I can see drowning in there, too. For good measure, I have included 2 shots of my favorite building of Rome, the Castle if St Micheal Archangel, where the climax of Angels and Demons takes place (1st and 3rd, second row). Recognize Euroman?


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